I’m ready for 2016! Bring it on! Make it Happen! What about you? What are your intentions for 2016?
So many people are setting New Year’s resolutions at this time of year, and we all know the average rate of how soon those resolutions fade.
One of my favorite books is “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Ecker. Harv talks about “accelerated learning” techniques that allow you to learn faster and remember more of what you learn. He says, there’s an old saying..
“What you hear, you forget! What you see, you remember! What you DO.. you understand!!”
He calls it a declaration and all through the book after each chapter, he has you do an exercise and DECLARE your intention OUT LOUD.
When you declare it OUT LOUD, he says, “it carries its own vibrational frequency. The energy vibrates throughout the cells of your body, and by touching your body at the same time, you can feel its unique resonance. And these declarations not only send a specific message to the universe, they also send a powerful message to your subconscious mind.”
With every intention, you must have an action plan. A declaration of your intentions makes your ACTION PLAN official. Harv recommends you state your declarations out loud each morning and evening. Even looking into a mirror and it will accelerate the process even more.
My theme for 2016, is “Make it Happen.” So instead of New Year’s resolutions, I challenge you to come up with NEW YEAR’S INTENTIONS! Here’s a quick list to help you get started.
- I INTEND to add ONE MORE party every month in 2016! Your action plan might be adopting the CALENDAR
CONFIDENCE system in the 2016 DIRECT SALES PLANNER. Scheduling follow-up time, committing to 8 parties each month and when one cancels, re-fill it. Declare your intention out loud.
- I INTEND to have $1000 party sales in 2016! Your action plan might be to focus more on Hostess coaching using Advanced Hostess Coaching techniques or improving your party skills with the WOW Party Presentation elements. Declare your intention out loud.
- I INTEND to grow my team in 2016! Your action plan might be to focus on recruiting skills using the RECRUITING BLUEPRINT Home Study
Course and offering your opportunity every week. Or work on leadership skills using the 2016 CALENDAR GIRLS Team booking system. Declare your intention out loud
Now, you get the idea, right? Come up with your NEW YEAR’S “INTENTIONS” (not resolutions) Declare it out loud and do as Harv suggests, let the energy vibrate throughout the cells of your body by touching your body at the same time and feel its unique resonance.
Want to share one of “your” NEW YEAR INTENTIONS with the whole world? Leave it in a comment below!