Are you ready to L.E.A.P.?
Your committed to your business and doing everything you can, but you’re not seeing the growth or the money you want.
You have a big vision for your business and a great desire to make a difference in helping others and do work that matters.
But you’re not getting the results you hoped for. You’re struggling with consistent bookings, or maybe your sales are stagnant, or perhaps, you’re team is slow to grow.
You’re overwhelmed with loads of information coming your way daily and so you find it hard to focus on ONE thing.
What you know for sure is you “want” to make this happen! You “want” to have a business where you can be your own boss, have flexible hours and, LOVE what you do and make money too!
You just need a guide, a concrete strategy with support, encouragement and accountability on exactly what steps to take to grow a dynamic team and move up the ladder of leadership.
If you are nodding your head and answering “yes” to the above, then you are
L.E.A.P. Group Coaching
L.E.A.P. is A SIX-MONTH intensive coaching program designed specifically for Direct Sales leaders who are ready to step up, do the work and L.E.AP. to the next level on your leadership journey
In this PROGRAM, leaders
LEARN important leadership skills
EARN the money they want to make a difference.
Take ACTION on the path of a successful leader
PERSIST because they know failure is when you quit!
In the L.E.A.P. Group Coaching program I work with three types of leaders
#1 A Leader who is excited and aspires to grow and is ready to leap into leadership for the first time,
#2 A leader who is ready for a BIG SHIFT in her business to LEAP forward to the top of her company,
#3 A leader who is ready to promote NEW leaders and pay it forward in helping others aspire to the leadership level.
These leaders have a COMMON THEME
They are relentless learners
They seek out new knowledge
They are ready to learn new skills
They are ready to take action on new ways to grow their business!
Here’s the program that is helping leaders SOAR to the top!
The L.E.A.P. Group coaching program has a curriculum tailored to meet the needs of Direct Sales Leaders. You will work with a LEADERSHIP system that helps you move from where you are now to the desired level you aspire to achieve. This system is a pathway to help you have “wins” along the way, so you know you’re gaining the knowledge and information you need to succeed.
Here’s why it works..
CURRICULUM. Each group coaching session provides you with carefully planned modules that cover specific topics of the basic skills of leadership. Skills like team building, team communication, team recruiting, team time management.
LASER COACHING. You get direct access to Gale who will lovingly work with you to keep you on track and accountable to your goals and assignments.
ACCOUNTABILITY. There is weekly accountability program which prompts you to focus on priorities every day.
AFFORDABLE TUITON. Other coaching programs cost up to $5,000 or more. ONE party a month will pay for ONE month’s tuition.
“I wanted to develop my professional skills, mentoring abilities, sales & recruiting strategies. I am more focused, confident, and intentional on how I run my business. I’ve always had a positive exterior attitude, but inside I really struggled with self-confidence. Now I am confident and positive about who I am as a business professional and a leader in my company. I am now consistent in recruiting and high sales. My networking skills have developed so much and was asked to take a leadership roll in our networking group. New friendships from women all over the world who are seeking to grow their businesses as well. We talk and support outside of the LEAP group as well as have great relationships inside the group sessions. This program has been such a blessing from the Lord. Gale’s wisdom and instruction have been instrumental in my success.”
Crystal Baddorf, Premier Director, Lemongrassspa
“I wanted to put systems in place for my business and learn how to be a better leader. Being part of the L.E.A.P. Group Coaching program, I now have systems in place that help me make my business run smoother than it did before. I love having the step-by-step instructions on what to do next and how to do it. Knowing Gale has experienced this herself, helps me trust that she knows exactly what to do and when to do it. Systems are key to success and Gale has provided me with great systems! Gale is also very involved with each member being sure each one has the opportunity to share on calls and get help with specific issues you are having in your business. These calls are not just teaching and coaching where you listen! They are interactive so you can really maximize the information on the call. Most of all I learned that Systems are key to success and peace of mind.”
April Aldstadt, Premier Director, Lemongrasspa
“I had recently decided to get serious about building a team and felt that I could gain skills from this training that would help me move forward and become a team leader. My attitude about interviewing has improved and I now see my goal as a possibility and not an impossibility. I am now more diligent of taking positive daily action for my business to move it forward.”
Martha Isenberg, Team Leader, Tealightful
This is the EXTRA support you’ve been looking for the
If you want to learn how to:
If you’ve made the DECISION you’re ready to L.E.A.P.
Here’s the
Complete the personal information questionnaire and return it ASAP, so we can be ready for your first COACHING SESSION and join our DYNAMIC ACTIVE Facebook group
GROUP coaching allows me to work with a handful of dedicated leaders who are COMMITTED.
committed to investing in themselves,
committed to helping their team succeed in growing their business, and
committed to increasing their income.
I am excited to share with you my million dollar team strategies & systems. Obviously, coaching a group of people is different than coaching just one person privately. And that’s why I can charge much, much less than I would if you and I worked privately together.
Your INVESTMENT in my L.E.A.P. Group Coaching program
Is only
$147.00 a month for six months
One of my strategies I’ll be teaching you is
THE NEXT STEP system. If you’re ready to commit,
The next step for you is to
Click the button below
Complete and sign the Coaching Questionnaire Agreement
Let’s get started.
I’m so excited to work with you!
Love & Success to you,
Gale Bates, Your “Make the Leap” Mentor
©2017 MyMentorBiz- Gale Bates