promote up with second quarter goals“I hit my first quarter Goals” was the email I opened this week from one of my LEAP Group coaching clients. What an accomplishment for the beginning of the year! I was so proud of her because she has had bumps in the road in her first three months of this year but having quarterly targets helped her stay on track in achieving the success she wants.

I always say, goals are dreams with a deadline, and if you have to extend the deadline because of hiccups or obstacles, you are still on track.

In the CALENDAR GIRLS workbook ‘AND” the DIRECT SALES PLANNER, I take you through a process of breaking down your goals. We begin with

  • Your yearly BHAG goal. Your “Big Hairy Audacious Goal” is a goal that makes you have that flutter in the bottom of your stomach. It’s your dream of where you want to be by the end of the year.
  • Then, we break that down into QUARTERLY goals. This is one of the BIG keys to achieving what you want in your business, because I believe that you can accomplish a lot in a 90-day period. I believe in it so passionately, that I created a special FREE Facebook group to support and encourage people no matter what business you’re in. Check it out here.
  • After you get very clear with your quarterly goals then there’s a step by step process of breaking it down even further month by month.

Are you a goal setter? Or do you ignore the process and just run by the seat of your pants?

Setting goals helps you plan for your next promotion.  Especially 90-day goals. The second quarter of the year is one of the fastest growth periods for your team.  Embrace this concept of planning out the steps to hit the level you want.

Your Assignment this week!  

#1 Review your first quarter TEAM goals. Did you hit your TEAM BOOKING goals? Did you dsp goal setting month by monthexceed your TEAM RECRUITING goals? How close did you get to your TEAM VOLUME sales goals in the first three months? Then, ask yourself, “What would I have done differently?” Asking this question will give you the specific details in setting your 2nd quarter goals.

#2 Use the outline in your CALENDAR GIRLS WORKBOOK on Page 25 to lay out your April, May and June goals. Front load APRIL with higher expectations and watch it all smooth out over the next 90 days.

Are you ready for your next promotion? If you need help with your 90-day plan, email and schedule a 30 minute complimentary coaching call TODAY!