recruiting exercise picsOn a recent coaching call with a client, she shared a BIG “aha” moment with me.  This wonderful leader is focused, has a strategic plan and is implementing every week.  But, as we discussed her team building plan and I was guiding her through that plan, she suddenly realized one thing was missing.  And she felt that one thing was holding her back in growing the team she wanted.

The missing link she said was in her language.  She became aware that she was missing two words.  And those two words were “business builder.”  She understood she needed a mind shift if she truly wanted to achieve her dreams and goals.  She declared that she was now ready to focus more on recruiting “business builders.”

I remember when I was growing my team, my total focus was on finding prospects who were business minded.  This was a mindset that served me in growing leaders as well.  Right from the beginning of my direct sales career, I was all about growing a team of business builders.  My recruiting strategy in sharing my business opportunity was all about sharing the “business” opportunity.  I was very hesitant to recruit someone who wanted to join to sell to family and friends.   So, I found my focus on using the words “business builder” in my conversation with customers, hostesses and  prospects and even with team members, gave a clear picture to everyone the type of team I was building.

Here are my top 5 tips to recruiting “Business Builders” on your team.

Step 1:  Be alert for Prime Business Building Prospects  To find these specific prime prospects notice what’s happening in people’s lives.  Take the time to get to know guests at your party and really listen with your heart.   When you’re alert and listening you’ll hear why someone needs to earn income.  Someone who has a need to have a genuine business that brings consistent  income.  You’re looking for people who have a need, so be attentive to people’s needs.

Step 2:  Ask questions.  Always come from a place of curiosity and be genuinely interested in others.  I like to say everyone has a story.   My secret to recruiting successful business builders was gathering stories about people.  I became really good at asking questions and then built their story in my mind.  This story helped me determine if they had a definite need and if my opportunity would be the right fit for them to grow a business.  Gather stories, ask layering questions, be politely inquisitive and be genuinely interested in people and you’ll determine if someone is looking for a professional opportunity.

Step 3:   Become a Heart-Centered listener.  This means when you listen, you listen with an open heart and I like to say, you listen between the lines!  This is the one place where many recruiters fall down, they literally talk too much, and prospects tune out.   When you listen with your heart, you’ll discover key information about your prime prospect’s concerns or maybe her future dreams and you’ll know immediately how your business would benefit them right now to build a business.

Step 4:   Share from your heart  Be sincere and authentic when you share your own personal story.  Point out why you joined, and the impact it’s made in your life.  Then, again, from your heart, point out the reasons why you think your opportunity will help them.  Help them have a healthier life, help them feel more confident, help become financially free.   When you share from your heart in a meaningful genuine way, prospects will respond if they a truly interested in building a business.

Step 5:  Be patient in your follow-up.  Some people need space before they jump into starting a business.  Don’t seem too eager to have someone join.   She has to be ready!  She has to be really interested! This is the KEY to recruiting business builders!  Sometimes we are so anxious to have everyone sign up, we forget that it’s all about them!   If you have to convince someone or talk them into it, they are not ready to build a business. Not everyone you approach will join.

Create a recruiting strategy.   My strategy was to consistently spot three prime prospects from every party and schedule weekly recruiting appointments using the five tips above.  Then, have the patience to wait until the time is right for them to join.  One of my million dollar leaders reminded me I asked her NINE times before she joined!  And yes, she went on to grow a million dollar team!

It’s a definite mindset, and you have to have patience, but if you follow these five steps you’ll begin to notice the people who want to join your team because they want to build a business.

Are you interested in learning more how to recruit business builders?   Make a decision. woman phone and laptop Schedule a 30 minute complimentary business strategy session and  Email me at

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Have a Business building tip to add?  Share it with us in the comments below or share this blog with your team on your Facebook page.