Hidden Power of Time Blocking

In this fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, I believe “TIME” is our most valuable resource. 

As women entrepreneurs, we have to handle kids getting off to school, meal planning,  soccer practice, keeping up with homework and supporting the whole family through important events while running a successful and profitable business!

Phew!!  It makes me feel tired thinking about it all.

However, there’s ONE time management technique that seems to work for many of my coaching clients and it’s been gaining popularity among successful entrepreneurs and that is the power of getting things done in our business with Time Blocking!

Time Blocking involves dedicating specific time slots to particular tasks or activities which help you make the most of your day and feel like you’ve accomplished something.

A Purposeful Planner System for Time Blocking

Let me share with you 5 secrets on how to use this powerful tool that will help you use your time effectively and bring success to your entrepreneurial journey.

Prioritize your week for success#1  Begin by prioritizing your to-do list.   One of the first secrets to successful time blocking is the art of prioritization. If you’re like me you live and die by your to-do list in staying focused on accomplishing goals and projects.  Make sure you include all the tasks you need to accomplish on your list.   

Once you have your list then categorize the tasks into three main categories:  urgent, important and less critical.  This will help you determine which tasks should take precedence in your time blocking schedule.  Remember, the goal is to allocate your valuable time to the most critical activities.


#2 Establish Clear Time Blocks.  If you’re working with the 2024 Planner system, you have a clear view of the blocks of time outlined in the daily vertical columns. 

Start allocating a dedicated hour each day for time blocking, and choose a time that suits your productivity patterns.  Some people like early morning or later afternoon.  Your goal is to focus on a single task or group of related tasks during this hour of time. For example, you can have a “sales calls” block, or a “content creation” block or a “follow-up“ block.”  You can even color code your time blocks according to projects and tasks. 

In the 2024 Planner system, I teach a weekly planning system to schedule in your planner every Sunday.  

A weekly Planning System

 #3 Eliminate Distractions.  To make your time blocking truly effective, you must eliminate distractions during your dedicated blocks.   I recommend you turn off email and social media notifications, silence your phone and communicate to family and team that you are unavailable during this time.  You can also use productivity techniques like the Pomodoro Technique which breaks your hour into smaller, focused intervals of work with short breaks in between.


#4 Learn to Say No.  Another powerful secret to successful time blocking is learning to say “no” to tasks or meetings that do not align with your current priorities.  It can be tempting to fill your schedule with various obligations , but saying ‘no” to less critical tasks can help you maintain focus and ensure you use your time blocks for what truly matters which includes saying “no” to tasks that don’t fit into your current business goals.

For my coaching clients I teach them a special TIME BLOCKING exercise.  If you’re interested in knowing more about coaching, book a Productivity breakthrough session here.

#5  Then, evaluate and adjust.  Time blocking is not a one-size-fits – all solution.  You need to regularly evaluate and adjust your time blocking schedule to ensure it remains effective.  Reflect on your progress, see where you’ve excelled and identify areas for improvement. If you find that a particular task consistently takes longer than expected, adjust your time block accordingly.  Flexibility is essential for long term success with time blocking.

Reflect & review your month.


By prioritizing your to-do list, establishing clear time blocks using the 2024 Purposeful Planner system, eliminating distractions and learning to say ‘no” and continually evaluating and adjusting your schedule, you can maximize your productivity and achieve your business goals.

While time blocking might require some practice and patience to perfect, the rewards it brings to your entrepreneurial journey are well worth the effort. 

To start implementing these secrets today and unlock the true potential of your time and business, check out the 2024 Purposeful Planner system now!

click here

A Planner with a Purposeful Planner System.