I call my ONE NOTEBOOK JOURNAL my “brain in a notebook.”  When I created this system I found it helped me take all the IDEAS, and things I needed to-do  and write them down in one place,  so I knew where they were.  It helped me organize my tasks, my ideas, my goals.

How much time do you spend

  • Searching for a phone number you wrote on a piece of paper
  • Digging for an important message you wrote on the back of an envelope
  • That great idea you want to implement and you forgot to write it down.

These ideas and important messages are buried somewhere in your office, in your purse or briefcase.  It’s this syndrome that sucks up your time over and over.  You are searching, looking under piles of paper in your office and you wish you had a more efficient system.  

I created the ONE NOTEBOOK JOURNAL system when  I was traveling across the country every month training leaders.  I needed a place to keep all my thoughts, my training notes, my daily lists in ONE PLACE.  A place that would travel with me while I  was working from hotels, offices and meeting rooms. It was simply a smart way to work where I gathered all my thoughts, ideas, lists, daily to-do’s all in ONE PLACE. 

What are the benefits of using the ONE NOTEBOOK Journal system?There are many benefits to using this system revolving around organization, productivity, and motivation.  It helps you pay attention to the details you might have missed because you wrote down your idea in ONE PLACE where you know you can find it. 

When focus on these small details of writing things down in ONE PLACE, we learn a lot about ourselves and how we work and what’s important now!


I find that writing down my ideas, lists and thoughts can help you deal with every day stress.  I like to think when you write things down, you slow down, and focus on what needs to get done in a timely manner without the pressure of missing deadlines.


What to write in your ONE NOTEBOOK Journal.  Start by cleaning up all the post it notes you have strewn over your desk and computer and put them in your ONE NOTEBOOK JOURNAL.

When I start a new page in my journal, I date it.  The whole date – day/month/year.  Then when I’m referring back to past pages, I know what was happening on that particular day.  I keep my ONE NOTEBOOK JOURNALS for a year!  It’s a great memory jogger knowing and you’re assured you won’t lose that information.

When I date every blank page every day, it’s like a fresh 24 hours ahead.

Lists and lists and more lists.

I recommend you begin with a weekly checklist.  I find keeping a weekly to-do list keeps me on track with things I want to accomplish for the week.  I take it one step further and transfer my list to my Weekly Desktop Notepad assigning tasks to each day of the week

I also like to have a Master project list that I look at once a month. Other lists I recommend for your ONE NOTEBOOK JOURNAL are

  • Passwords
  • Birthdays
  • Books to read
  • Prospects
  • Top 20  Clients
  • Projects
  • Blog ideas
  • You tube ideas

How to train yourself to use this system.

The word I use to help my coaching clients use this system is “DISCIPLINE.”   You have to discipline yourself to NOT write on pieces of paper.  If you do write on a post it note, then paste that note in your ONE NOTEBOOK JOURNAL.

The important thing is to keep your ONE NOTEBOOK JOURNAL with you at all times.  If you’re home, keep it handy on your desk.   Then when you take a call and need to write down a significant message it’s right there!   If you leave home, get in the habit of taking your ONE NOTEBOOK Journal with you.  That’s why it’s a great size (4×6) that fits in your purse and you can write down ideas on the go.

How you spend the first hour of your morning in your office can set your day up to be very productive and if you use your ONE NOTEBOOK JOURNAL to help you as part of a morning routine you’ll find you are less stressed and know what tasks and projects to work on first.

Routines are everything. 

My ONE NOTEBOOK JOURNAL is the first thing I look at every morning and the last place I write down my gratitude statement every evening.  

Figure the routine that works best for you so you feel like you are in control of your busy life because it’s all written down in ONE PLACE.

 Use the system to drive your goals

I find this system instrumental in helping me stay on track with my goals.

  • I follow my routines.
  • I watch my to-do lists closely and keep updating them.
  • It’s one of those practical tools that keeps me organized every day.
  • I create 30 day Habit Trackers to help me stay on task and check the specific task off every day. 

Once you master the habit of writing everything in ONE PLACE in your ONE NOTEBOOK JOURNAL, you won’t be looking under piles for messages and ideas you wrote on pieces of paper. 

Want to learn how to use this system? 


I wonder what I’d do if I didn’t have my ONE NOTEBOOK JOURNAL . Think of all the places you could use the ONE NOTEBOOK JOURNAL

  • When waiting for kids to get out of school you can check your lists.
  • Sitting at the dentist or doctor’s office, you might write a maybe later list.
  • Killing time for your next appointment,
  • grab a cup of coffee and review your ONE NOTEBOOK JOURNAL for tasks you need to write down.