money flow in your bizYour business is fun.   You love the flexibility because you’re able to be home with your kids and work around your family’s busy lifestyle.   You are passionate about your products and love to share them with everyone. You love your company and the support you receive from them. But,

How is the money flowing in your direct sales biz?  

My husband loved to share how his wife was making a six-figure income with her home based fashion business. He was so proud to share that my cute little business generated three million dollars in sales every year. That’s because I showed him exactly how I was making money in my business every month.

The money flow in your business is crucial to your success.  I hear many direct sellers say,

  • I’m not making any money, or
  • I don’t know how much money I’m making.

That means they’re not treating their business like a business, they’re treating it like a hobby.

People were attracted to join my team because I showed them the basics of running a business using the simple layout in the DIRECT SALES PLANNER.  In my recent blog I laid out how to manage your profit path in your business following these two important pages.  

Here’s a quick little video that makes it very clear. This video is a sneak peek into the CG Academy membership program.  Enjoy this bird’s eye view that emphasizes how to track your revenue (money coming in) and expenses (money going out) in your business every month.

Knowing how much money you’re making every month is crucial to building your direct sales business. The DIRECT SALES PLANNER has it all laid out for you in just two recap  pages.

It’s the end of JUNE!  Use these two pages in your DIRECT SALES PLANNER and share them with your partner, and your prime prospects.  Let them know the benefits of making money owning a direct sales home based business.2015-Direct-Sales-Planner-ebook-no-backgrounde

Want to learn more about making money in your direct sales biz every month? Email me at and schedule a complimentary coaching call today!  Share in a comment below with a “yes” or “no” answer if you know how much money you’re making in your biz every month.  Or hit the Facebook button and share it with your team.