Three Hot Tips to Closing Prospects - My Mentor Biz

This week on coaching session, my client and I discovered her team members needed more practice in closing prospects.

She’s the only person on her team who is recruiting.  Closing prospects is a skill that needs addressing if you want to be a professional top recruiter.  When you see those top recruiters in your company receive awards, it’s because they have mastered this skill of knowing how to share why your business is an opportunity if a prospect is looking to grow a business and work from home.

It took me a lot of practice in learning this skill myself.  I finally figured the steps and taught it to my team.  Nowadays, I share it with all my coaching clients in a step by step guide in the Journey to Leadership Group Coaching program.

Once you learn this skill, you build your confidence.  When you’re confident in closing, you know you’re there to share the information and let the prospect make up her mind whether now is the time for her to join, or maybe later.

Top recruiters know that It’s the practice of sharing your opportunity that counts.   Practice builds the confidence, so learning this skill can speed up the growth of your direct sales business and building a strong team.

Before learning how to close, it is important to understand the first steps to recruiting.  :earning how  to identify a prospect and how to approach them about your opportunity.  What to say in each conversation in a professional manner.  Again, in my journey to leadership group coaching program, we cover all the steps to becoming a top recruiter.

When you know these steps and know how to close your prospect in a professional manner it leaves your prospect thinking about joining when the time is right for her.

But here’s the three hot tips I want to share with you today…

Hot tip #1 to closing your prospects is … LISTEN! Listen for their need!   Listening helps you discover the reason that would encourage them to say, “That’s exactly what I need!”

  • That “need” could be extra income.
  • It could be working flex hours around their family.
  • It could be joining for friendships.

There are many reasons.  Once you understand their “need” you want to repeat it back to them, by saying…

“You said you’re tired of your corporate job and you would love to be at home with the kids and have a business that brings in the income you need. Let’s get you started by filling out the application and ordering your kit.”

You listened, you understood her need, and you shared you have an opportunity for her to join so she can fill that need.   Then it’s up to her to make a decision if now is the right time for her to join.

Hot tip #2 to closing your prospects is … THE MAGIC QUESTION!  By now, you’re really building this friendship and you’ve discovered lots of things about your prospect – her family, her husband , her lifestyle, what her hobbies are and most of all you’ve found her need.  Again, you want to reframe her need, and then ask the magic question…

“You said you’d love to have your own business and work from home.  I would love you to be part of my growing team, so let me ask you a question – on a scale of 1-10 where do you think you are in joining my company

She usually answers with a number!   She might say  I’m a  3,  or a 7  or  9 or even a 10  and here’s the magic answer to the magic question.   If she is a 7 or above, she is usually ready or just about ready to join. If she’s under a 7, you ask her what would it take for you to be a 10.  And this is where you find her real concern so you can address it in a professional manner.  Ince you’ve established where she is on your scale of 1-10  – then we move to…

Hot tip #3 to closing your prospects is … THREE WORDS!  There are three words that will help you have a very professional close to every prospecting conversation.   Once you start using these three words, you’ll feel so much more confident in having recruiting conversations.

  • These three words help you understand whether this person will be a biz builder or just someone who buys for herself.
  • These three words will put you in the driver’s seat and help you feel very confident in knowing that when she joins it will be the right time for her.

So what are these three words?


Learn how to use these three words watching my video here on you tube.

These 3 hot tips in closing your prospects will you help you become more confident, more skilled and  more professional at offering your opportunity.

Want to be a top recruiter in your company?

Then learn how to use these 3 hot tips in my Journey to Leadership Group Coaching program.

Click the link to learn more.

Think about this:

  • on a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you want to become  a top recruiter and grow a team?   Are you a 3?  Are you a  7?  Are you a 10?
  • If you’re a 1-3, you’re ready because you need to learn these skills
  • If you’re a 4-7, you’re ready because you need to refine your skills
  • If you’re a 8-10, you’re ready – it’s learning how to be more consistent.

You can learn these skills easily when you join the Journey to Leadership coaching program.

I hope you found value in learning these skills.  Message me for more information on building your confidence in recruiting