A coaching client asked this week, “What book will I read to grow my Direct Sales Business?”
I sit in front of my library every day and inevitably, throughout my coaching sessions, I find I’m reaching for a specific book that has the answer or the information to help them be successful.
I find the most successful leaders in this business are those who are what I call “life long learners.” I think that’s what attracts them to my coaching style. Together, we dig deep into their biggest struggle and together we figure out what’s missing. Then with my experience and their willingness to seeking answers, we discover the next steps to help them on their journey.
They are ready to learn how to run a successful Direct Sales Business and the areas we discuss most of the time are
- Skills to sell, book and recruit
- Online Marketing
- Online Bookings (pivoting because of Covid)
- The power of building a community
- Organization working from home and with kids homeschooling
- Persevering through tough times.
- Taking tiny steps to achieve big goals
- Being Thankful for being your own boss.
Read on and let’s dive into these 8 top books I recommend for my coaching clients.
Skills to Sell, Book and Recruit, I reach for BUILD IT BIG by the Direct Selling Women’s Alliance.
I reach for this book OFTEN. It is one that has stood the test of time. Even though, we are pivoting to an online world, this book has the BASIC FUNDAMENTALS from Top Direct Selling Experts. (I am fortunate to be one of them.) If you open the book to the contents, you’ll find articles on
- Connecting with your Why.
- Booking and Coaching your Hostess
- Recruiting and building a team.
- Developing Leadership skills
- Building through technology
This book is still available and it’s one of those GO-TO books you’ll refer to for details on strengthening your skills in growing your business.
- Online Marketing I reach for “She Means Business” by Carrie Green.
In today’s world I believe you have to have a visibility plan and I work with my clients in figuring out how to be visible in marketing their business. Carrie is the founder of the Female Entrepreneurs Association. I joined her group when she first opened and I have seen her grow to a multi-million dollar business. When she wrote her book she was on her way to the top and her chapters on
- Enroll in the university of opportunity.
- Your growth game plan
- The checklist to get yourself “out there.”
Now, her organization has over 30,000 members and she’s still growing. Follow her example and join her organization. She’s a force for growth on marketing YOU!
Pivoting to Online parties I reach for my friend, Lynn Bardowki’s Facebook Party Secrets.
In fact, I “give” this book away to many coaching clients to help them understand the technical steps to running parties on Facebook. Once you learn Lynn’s techniques and you match that with your knowledge from holding in-home parties, you will be unstoppable.
- I reach for “100 Ways to Motivate Others” by Steve Chandler and Scott Richardson when I’m helping leaders build strong communities.
One of the mantras I teach my coaching clients is, “You can never, never, give enough praise and recognition to team members.” In fact, the more you praise and recognize, the more successful you will be in being a leader. This little book helps you understand the importance of inspiring others to take action and gives you 100 tools or ways to help you build your community.
The book I reach for MOST is “The One Thing,” By Gary Keller and Jay Papasan.
This is another book I love to GIVEAWAY in my coaching group. It usually happens for those who show up LIVE in our mastermind sessions. I find this book answers EVERY question they ask about being organized. We all want to live in an organized world, and if you ask yourself the ONE THING question they recommend to ask every day, you’ll find it helps you battle your struggles in feeling overwhelmed because there is so much to do.
When I reach for this book my coaching clients are those who are ready to take a big LEAP TO THE TOP! “Grit” by Angela Duckworth.
I love sharing the story from the beginning of this book about the Marine Corps’ intensive training for admission called “The Beast.” This story helps them understand they are nearly there, they have put in the work, they are on track, they just need to keep their minds strong or as Angela Duckworth says, “You have to have Grit.” You don’t have to be the brightest, the one with the top IQ’s, you have to know how to persevere to reach the top, and she calls that GRIT!
- I am often saying, “Remember, it’s tiny steps that will help you reach this goal.” And that’s when I reach for Dr. Tom Barrett’s book,
“Success Happens.”
I learned about tiny steps when I was growing my own million-dollar team. His tiny step theory was about 15 minutes of time based on taking action with small focused activities – with no distractions – but specific tasks that bring results. The key is to set aside 15 minutes every day with intentional tasks written down to follow. My clients and I work together on the tasks she needs to take so she sees her business move forward every day using this concept.
- I put off reading this book for a long while, “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne.
When the movie, “The Secret” came out, I had already been studying the teachings of Abraham by Esther and Jerry Hicks. So, I felt like another book about “The Secret” would be a repeat. Then, one of my mastermind aussie friends shared with me how she was using “The Magic” to help her community and it was “magical.” So, I decided to read the book and now I recommend it to my coaching clients as well. The grateful exercises in this book will open an awareness to you of the world you want to be part of. Especially through this pandemic we need to be grateful for family, friends, technology, the sky, the birds, the flowers, everything! That’s why I reach for this book to share with my coaching clients they have the opportunity to go to the top and when they do they will have a positive impact on helping others.
There you have it!
As you can see they range from understanding the value of strengthening your skill set, being visible in today’s online world and growing your mindset on staying the course and feeling like you’re growing and learning every day.
Whether you’ve just started or you’re rocking as a top leader, any one of these books will help you grow and invite success and abundance into your Direct Sales Business.
If you’re looking for EXTRA guidance in growing your business, then book a 30-minute complimentary coaching session NOW
GO TO www.calendly.com/galebates
I wonder what book I’ll reach for when we talk!
Until next time, I’ll see you online at www.mymentorbiz.com
Gale ?