Want your Direct Sales Team to have Consistent bookings, Try this! - My Mentor Biz

This week I heard the following expression 5 times from my leaders in our L.E.A.P. mastermind coaching group,

“My team sales are low and I’m not sure who is holding parties. “

Many direct sales companies don’t have a back office statistic that show you who is holding parties and what the sales of the party were or how many people attended. So what can you do to get the team engaged in booking consistent parties?

Today, I have three ideas to help you inspire your team to get consistent bookings and if you try just ONE of them, I think you’ll begin to see a difference in your team.

#1   Set up a consistent Team Communication system. Your team needs to hear from you consistently every day, every week, every month and the best way is to create a system. In the CALENDAR GIRLS Team booking system, we focus on reaching out with three specific communications.

  • Daily – posting in the Team Facebook group every day let’s the team know you are there to support them. They reply to your posts or even message you if they see you’re on Facebook. If they are struggling with getting bookings you can answer their concerns because you’re communicating daily through your TEAM group.
  • Weekly – sending a weekly email update every Monday let’s the team know you are supporting them! Don’t wane on this – the team is looking for that email to see if they are being recognized for their efforts. In the CALENDAR GIRLS Team booking system, we work with a power list of team bookings and team members can’t wait to see their names on that important booking list.
  • Monthly – Live team meetings every month gives team members a chance to meet you and know they can ask you a question to get help. This LIVE face to face communication is the BEST way to support your team and help those who are struggling to get bookings. At your team meeting you want to pass your CALENDAR GIRLS team calendar around the room to have people write in their OWN names on the team calendar. This builds their confidence. Then if others are struggling they will ask around and get ideas from other team members to try. Live Team meetings are the BEST way to build deeper relationships with team members and each other.

#2   Team Booking Blitz The second way to help team members who are struggling with bookings is to consistently hold a TEAM BOOKING Blitz every month. I highly suggest you do this in the third week of the month as it keeps their bookings solid moving from month to month. Holding a team booking blitz, you are giving them the tools to get bookings. It’s all laid out in a template in the CALENDAR GIRLS workbook from how to prepare you team for the blitz, what to do on the blitz and how to recognize and encourage each team member after the blitz.

#3   Share your Team GOALS every week! Everyone is proud to be part of a team effort when they know exactly what the goal is? In our CALENDAR GIRLS team booking system we work on three important TEAM GOALS!

  • The team booking goal is one that rewards all team members who contribute to this booking goal by being on the TEAM calendar month!
  • The Team sales volume goal keeps the team excited to see the WHOLE sales volume rise each week to hit the goal to be a qualified team or a $20,000 team or a million dollar team.
  • The Team Recruiting goal encourages everyone to ADD people to the team. Team members love to introduce their latest recruits and get everyone excited to see the team grow.

Sharing these THREE Team goals every week will help your team know they are contributing to something bigger than themselves. They will make every effort to get their parties on that team calendar so they are an active team player.

Each one of the above tasks takes organization and commitment to building your team and helping them keep their calendar full of bookings.

I recommend you try at least ONE of these ways and you’ll see team members pop up who may have thought their parties weren’t being noticed by you.

If you want more ways to help your team have consistent bookings, join our L.E.A.P. Mastermind group! It’s in this group that you’ll get the best support and feedback on helping team members who struggle with bookings to get on board! Read through the information here and message me at mymentorbiz@gmail.com if you have questions. We have A FEW openings right now!

Lastly,  I want to invite you to join our FREE 90-Day Challenge Facebook group and get support in achieving your goals with daily help in running a direct sales business. click the banner below.