I love the term “We are better together!”  To me, it’s the embodiment of Team building!

Building teams together is what we do in Direct Sales.  I know when I was building my million-dollar team…

  • I was looking for people who were similar to myself.
  • I wanted people who would be fun to work with.
  • Most of all, I wanted my team members to be great friends who learned how to grow a business together.

Now, I see all that happening with my coaching clients!  They are growing teams with friends who are similar to themselves and having fun as they build a business together.

I’m coining the new phrase – “We are better Team Building Together” in my upcoming TEAM BUILDING BOOT camp!  

It’s a successful Boot Camp where I teach team members

  • How to Prospect for people who are fun and want to grow a business.
  • How to learn the skills of Presenting their opportunity
  • How to know how to follow up w/Prospects until the time is right for them!
  • How to onboard new team members (friends) who are ready to get started on a journey of being better together!

Watch my VIDEO today on the three categories of people who recruit!



Have you been thinking about team building?

Maybe you have a team member who has indicated she’d like to move into a leadership position!

Or, have you thought it’s time to move up a next level in your comp plan?

Ask yourself:

Who would be a person I’d like to TEAM BUILD together with?

That’s my OFFER in this October Team Building Boot Camp

It’s a TWO-FER (TWO FOR ONE) offer!   Bring a team member alongside of you, recruit and team build together!

  Learn more together HERE!





We are definitely a team that grows Better together